Jon Gomez
Educational Clinician and National Consultant
“Thank you for all you’ve done for us in helping us improve as musicians and people!”
– From a Curry Summer Music Camp Wind Symphony Member
Jon Gomez serves as an Educational Clinician for the Conn-Selmer Division of Education and as a National Educational Consultant, providing services as a conductor, clinician, professional development presenter, and adjudicator for the marching and concert events. Jon is called upon to help musicians find their passion for music as well as share strategies for servitude leadership and success. He also enjoys offering support to music educators with his experience in the profession that spans over thirty-five years. While Jon’s strategies are time-tested, research-based, and data-driven, what is more revealing is that both students and educators find themselves immediately inspired to elevate their performance.
Mr. Gomez is the Former Director of Bands and Department Chair for the Performing Arts at Dobson High School in Mesa, Arizona (2000-2016). In prior years, he served as Director of Bands at Coronado High School and as the District Team Leader for Bands in the Scottsdale Unified School District. Through the years, his bands have earned impressive accolades and have presented notable performances, including the World Expo in Shanghai, China (2010), multiple invitations to the Music For All National Concert Band Festival (2013, 2007 and 2004), Carnegie Hall (2005), Arizona Music Educators Conference (2012, 2010, 2008, 2005, 2002), and have toured throughout Europe with Music Celebration International (1997). Jon received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree (1987) and Master degree in Education Administration (1993) from Arizona State University. As Co-Founder of Synergy Leadership Endeavors, he helped create and produce the video & CD-ROM entitled, “Leadership Success” published by GIA Publications.
Gomez is associated with the Arizona Wind Symphony (Conductor), The Midwest Clinic Advisory Committee (Member), Bands of America (Judge), Music For All National Band Festival (Past Host and Advisory Member), Arizona Band and Orchestra Directors Association (Judge and Past-President/Board Member) Southern California School Band and Orchestra Association (Judge), and the Summer Marching Academy (Co-Founder). He is a Charter Member of the Kappa Zeta Chapter of Phi Beta Mu (Honorary Band Masters Fraternity). Jon is also the Recipient of the Arizona State University School of Music Alumni Award and the AMEA O.M. Hartsell Excellence in Teaching Music Award.
“Congratulations to the conductor and the band – you are an excellent display of musical teamwork and display. This is a very mature group of players who have been well taught by a very good conductor! Bravo to you all!”
– From Dr. Harry Begian, University of Illinois, Emeritus Director of Bands